ČEMBA (Czech Mountainbike Association) to team up with Singletracker

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Even though it is not very well known, the Czech Republic (or Czechia, as newly nicknamed a few months ago) offers a great amount of fabulous mountain bike terrains: beautiful mountains not too high nor steep, which is why they are perfectly suitable for mountain biking.

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The MTB scene in Czech Republic is developing rapidly with a strong network of more than 25 trail centres and bikeparks all with fantastic purpose-built mountainbike trails, which will make it a  perfect destination for your next Mountain bike holiday!

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And this is exactly why we are happy to announce that the Czech Mountainbike Association (ČEMBA) decided to team up with the Singletracker app to use our platform as a promotion of the excellent MTB terrains that Czech Republic has to offer!

Within the annual meeting of Czech trail centres and bike parks in November 2018, local representatives were demonstrated with possibilities on how to use the Singletracker app and it was also thoroughly discussed about services that the platform offers to bike rentals, guiding companies and trail centres. After a fruitful conversation it was jointly agreed to use the potential of the Singletracker app and attract the app users to visit Czech Republic. Last but not least this decision should also broaden the Czech group of app users.

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As a first step all the trail centres and bike parks were given an admin account to load their trails and POI’s into the app. It didn’t take too long to see the very first results. Several trail centre managers have already loaded first trails and POI’s into the app. Most of the trail centres should be able to add their routes to the app by the beginning of season 2019.

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Václav Volráb, the chairman of ČEMBA, said:

Our country experienced a massive MTB development in past ten years and it would be a pity not to introduce our great network of MTB trails to the riders from abroad. I am happy that apps like Singletracker are so user-friendly and global that they can help us with spreading the word so easily. We can’t wait to meet the Singletracker users on Czech trails as soon as possible and soak them into the great community that has grown in our country around trail riding and trail building in recent years!

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Fancy to experience Czech MTB trails on your own? Come for a trip with Singletracker and Czech MTB Holidays! In the end of April (24. – 28.) and beginning of May (8. – 12.) 2019 we have prepared a couple of collective trips to the Czech Republic to ride some great trails together! Find out more about the trip on the Singletracker Facebook page or directly on the Czech MTB Holidays. We will be there! 🙂


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